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“I need someone to show me my place in all of this.” (The Last Jedi)
Considering how big the Star Wars Universe is, you might actually need some help to find “your place.” And I am here to do just that.
The fact that never ceases to amaze me is how the makers of Star Wars came up with so many intriguing locations, or should I say planets. And I must mention that the CGI department did a phenomenal job here. The graphics, the attention to detail, the pin-point accuracy, the diversity, everything is simply mind-blowing.
The characteristics each planet held had a deeper meaning and purpose behind them. From the breathtakingly beautiful planet of Naboo to endlessly deserted Jakku, from the scariest-of-all Mustafar to the exotic yet intriguing aquatic planet of Kamino, the Galaxy far away had everything beyond human imagination. It was indeed full of beautiful yet horrifying surprises.
To make your intergalactic walk easier, I have listed down the planets that need to be on your to-visit list. Trust me, I am a great tour guide. So, tighten up your seatbelts, Padawans! It is going to be a long-long ride.
Bottom Line Up Front
Saying the Star Wars Galaxy was just ginormous would be an understatement. With billions of planets in different far-off regions, it would only be a dream to see them all.
The Galaxy consisted of more than 3.2 billion systems, each with uncountable planets. The Star systems and the planets were further classified, based on their location, as part of the deep core, the colonies, the inner, the mid, and the outer rim territories, the expansion region, and the wild space. There were aquatic planets, desert planets, terrestrial, mountain-covered, and whatnot!
If I had to choose one favorite, it would be the planet of Naboo. The scenic views, the waterfalls, the infrastructure, the aura, everything just left me awestruck. Also, it was home to our favorite, Padme Amidala. What’s there to not love about Naboo? Except for Palpatine.
22 Worth-visiting planets in the Star Wars Universe
As we all know how big the Galaxy is, it would take me more than one lifetime to even mention all the planets in it. Even the nine lives of cats would not serve any purpose here. Anyway, you don’t need to know about all of them. So, I have narrowed down my list to these 22 intriguing planets that every Star Wars Fan must know about.
- Alderaan
- Bespin
- Christophsis
- Corellia
- Coruscant
- Dagobah
- Endor
- Hoth
- Jedha
- Kamino
- Kashyyyk
- Korriban
- Malastare
- Nal Hutta
- Cato Neimoidia
- Naboo
- Pillio
- Sullust
- Sriluur
- Tatooine
- Toydaria
- Trandosha
Alderaan is nice. Who’d blow up Alderaan? –Chelli Lona Aphra
Well, it did get blown up. The home to the Rebellion against the Galactic Empire and one of the most beautiful planets in the Galaxy, Alderaan was one of a kind. From snow-capped mountains to scenic green plains, from state-of-the-art infrastructure covered in clouds to mystic water bodies, Alderaan was a sight to behold. The planet from far away looked exactly like our Earth. The blues, the greens, and the browns depicted the glory of the planet. I just wish we shared the values of Alderaanians, too.
The destruction of the peaceful Alderaan was one of the most heart-wrenching scenes in the series. The remnants of destruction stood as reminders of the horrors of the Galactic Empire for the years to come. No wonder they chose Alderaan for it, for every great era has an end.
Present in the Interior region, Alderaan was mostly populated by humans. It was home to artists, educationists, winemakers, and obviously to our beloved Leia Organa.
If you have seen Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, you wouldn’t have missed this humongous gas giant surrounded by two moons in the middle of nowhere.
Home to many different kinds of species, Bespin was not a planet exactly but a giant gas ball that you’d consider inhabitable. Surprisingly, it wasn’t.
Among the treacherous yet mesmerizing clouds of Bespin stood (floated) what looked like a space station called the Cloud City. The infamous Duel between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, where Luke discovered that he was the son of Vader, happened right in the middle of these clouds. Another station, called the Chinook Station, was also present here. These stations were used to process the costly Tibanna gas, for which Bespin was known.
From far away, Bespin looked like a ball of clouds covered in dust. From near, it looked like a sunset you’d wish you had once witnessed in your life.
If you ask me, the Clone Wars was all about Anakin and Kenobi saving the day. On one such fine day, they both destroyed Admiral Trench’s fleet to provide aid to Senator Bail Organa and his men on Christophsis. That was our first introduction to this beautiful monotonous planet.
The site of many battles during the Clone Wars, especially the Battle of Christophsis, Christophsis was a planet located in the Outer Rim Territories. It was more of a battleground than a planet. The lands, or should I say, the forests of this planet, saw way too many capturers. From the Separatists leader Count Doku and Ventress to the double-agent of Light and Dark, Quinlan Voss, Christophsis had seen it all.
The crystallized infrastructure, covered in green-blue hues, made Christophsis look almost magical. Also, the tall-grey buildings made for the perfect battleground. Several military bases were also built there.
Christophsis hosted humans and was home to Christophsians, a humanoid specie that looked almost like humans.
“There’s so much history on Corellia! Too bad it’s such an awful place.” DK-RA-43
Couldn’t agree more with a droid.
Home to Han Solo and the reason for his love for starships, Corellia was more like a big Industrial Zone located in The Core Worlds. I remember watching Solo: A Star Wars Story and thinking what a dark place it is, almost like the Gotham City in Batman, but uglier. Known for wanderers and shipyards, Corellia almost looked like a pile of wrecked ships. It almost felt like this planet never saw the Sun rising.
Corellians and humans occupied this planet, along with alien species specialized in crimes of all sorts. Crime Cartels were common, and many people often sought escape from this one hell of wreckage.
Talking about Corellia, how could we forget the despicable Lady Proxima? She was also one of the reasons I absolutely loathed this planet. Despite all this, Corellia did hold significance during the Republican and Empire eras.
Imagine this, a colossal city planet with ultra-modern skyscrapers, flying cars roaming around, and some of the ugliest alien species living along with humans. This is what Coruscant looked like to people who visited it for the first time.
The Imperial center and capital of the Galactic Empire, and a place where humanity was believed to be emerged from, Coruscant was one of a kind.
Rich with culture, education, art, industries, and much more, Coruscant hosted trillions of people from all spheres of life and was definitely a tourist destination for people from smaller unknown planets. The famous Jedi Temple and the Senate of the Republic were also located here. It was the political hub of the Galaxy and no doubt “the bright center of the universe.” (although it didn’t look like Coruscant ever had any sight of the Sun or a star). The years of modernization had made it look like “A city of metal.”
This Galaxy’s Capital had seen years of war, the fall and rise of Republics and Empires, and whatnot. Yet, it withstood.
From the outside, it looked like a big ball of lights placed among the web of infinite stars. From the inside, it was a big city with different levels, each depicting a different view of society, all existing together.
The swampy forests of Dagobah were the home and refuge of our beloved Master Yoda and a place where Luke Skywalker learned the ways of the Force. The caves, the lakes, and the lagoons all made Dagobah a mystery. Probably the reason why it remained undiscovered and uninhabited by sentient species, except one, the Tash.
Located in the Outer Rim territories with hot and humid weather, Master Yoda spent his after-years of the Clone Wars in solitude on Dagobah. Those swampy caves became his home, where he delved deep into the Force. Later, Luke joined him there, and it was the same place he faced the vision of his father, Darth Vader, for the first time. Also, it was Dagobah where Luke realized Leia Organa was his sister. So, this marshy place was not that bad, after all.
Before you rebuke me why I have added a “moon” in a list of planets, Endor was nothing of a moon in itself. I mean, who would call this rainforest place a moon in the first place?
Home to hideous-looking Ewoks, Endor was present around the planet of the same name. From space, Endor looked like a giant green ball covered in mystical clouds. On the surface, it was covered with thick tall trees suited best to the tiny little creatures like Duloks, Ewoks, and Yuzzums. But it was more of a hideout for them than a home.
Located in the Outer Rim territories, with clean air and tall trees, Endor is the best holiday destination for peace lovers. You just need to stay away from those tiny little beasts, and you are good to go.
Ewoks didn’t share peaceful relations with the Empire due to the constant invasion of their home. The Battle of Endor on the very lands of this forest moon, between the Alliance and the Empire, with Ewoks siding with the Alliance, was one of the most historical events during the Galactic Civil War. And Ewoks surely knew how to celebrate the victory!
Apart from being the best movie ever created, The Empire Strikes Back is known for introducing viewers to intriguing planets. One of them was Hoth, the snow-covered coldest planet in the Galaxy and the Rebellion’s new home for a short time. The all-white plains and mountains made it look mystical yet horrifying dead ball of ice. Seeing it now, I can tell where the Game of Thrones makers got their inspiration for North from.
In the words of Han Solo, Hoth was an ice cube. Who are we to disagree with him? Hoth, the host of Echo Base and the ground for the infamous Battle of Hoth, was truly a sight to fear. But if you are from Norway or Manitoba, you might find it like your casual neighborhood.
Hoth was home to Wampa species, with other non-sentient species mainly used for traveling and keeping oneself warm. No wonder our Luke Skywalker got in trouble with those too, but thankfully, he survived.
“If you believe in the Jedi and you believe in the Force, it feels like Jedha is somewhere you should visit in your lifetime.”
I totally agree with this. Jedha, a walled holy site for the worshippers and believers of the Force, wasn’t exactly a planet but a moon surrounding the Najedha planet. Well, with suitable living conditions and a vast diaspora of sentient species, it does feel right to label it a mere moon and not include it in the planet’s list.
Considering it was actually inspired by the walled city of Jerusalem, no wonder it looked exactly like it. It was a desert with a cold temperature, and the human population in the majority. The pilgrims of other species were frequent there, too.
A fortress for the worshippers, and a place rich in Kyber crystals used for making the lightsabers, it indeed was a home for the Jedi. The historical value of Jedha also made it way more interesting and significant for the Force-Sensitive beings.
The tall Temple of the Kyber stood in the center between tiny mud houses and other holy places like the Dome of deliverance, blessing the residents with the Force.
When Obi-Wan first visited the aquatic planet of Kamino in search of the person who tried killing Princess Amidala, I was on the edge of my seat. With the dome-shaped split-cities sitting above the ever-rising dreadful ocean, and the voices of thunderstorms piercing through ears, Kamino has to be the scariest yet most exotic planet in the Galaxy.
Kamino was the place from where all the mess, a.k.a. the Clone Wars, started. Considering those cities were located right above the ocean, you’d wonder if the inside of those stations looked the same. Well, they don’t.
Its sentient inhabitants, Kaminoans, had nothing much to do with water, and neither were they fishes. You’d say Kaminoans were antisocial Cloners, but don’t blame them; they live on a planet located seventy-thousand lightyears away from the core worlds.
Also, it is believed that Kamino wasn’t always an aquatic planet. The water level rose due to some ecological disaster. The makers of Star Wars warned us about Global Warming long ago, but we aren’t the ones to listen.
The Black forest planet that had seen way too many occupations and enslavement, Kashyyyk, was the homeland of Wookiees. With the Trees, the rocky mountains, and an ocean, Kashyyyk looked like a jungle haven. Those jungles were filled with way too many wild animals and plants. So, I wouldn’t suggest going there if you aren’t a ‘camping’ person.
Living in the Mid Rim territories, Wookiees weren’t the technological types or even the greatest of constructors, so they built treehouses to live in. Ah, my childhood dream!
It seemed like the influential people in the Galaxy wouldn’t just leave peaceful fuzzballs live in peace ever. There were always some threats by some weird-looking creature trying to capture Kashyyyk. Even the Empire took control of the planet and implemented a blockade. Thankfully, Wookiees weren’t the ones to give up and led many rebellions against the ones making their lives difficult.
“A graveyard for the darkest of the Sith Lords, still whispering within their tombs.”
Korriban, more commonly known as Moraband, was one of the mysterious, cold and dry far-off planets hosting one of the evilest and oldest civilizations, a.k.a. the Sith Order. The Dark Side of Force held strong power over Korriban, and it was the resting place for many of the power-hungry ancient great Sith Lords.
The planet itself looked like a huge graveyard, with remnants of once a great civilization and statues/tombs of dead Sith Lords scattered everywhere. It was haunted by the ghosts of those who perished.
Korriban was a place from where the Siths practiced black magic, from where they waged war against the Republic, and from where the greatest of the Sith Lords emerged. It had an Academy for training for the use of the Dark Side of the Force. Even Palpatine visited the Korriban to seek a better knowledge of the powers of the Dark Side, but angered the ghosts there, resulting in him injuring himself.
The whole planet covered in the hues of red located in the Outer Rim territories had an aura of pure horror and mystique.
Home to Zillo the beast and the infamous Dug specie, Malastare was located in the Mid Rim territories. It was a forest-covered land suited best to its habitants. From space, it looked almost like Earth with just a bit more green. It is also one of the planets that had its moment of fame during the Clone Wars.
Malastare was a fuel-rich planet, a feat that often helped Dugs make good bargains to get what they wanted. Although Malastare had great reserves of this toxic slimy green fuel Republic was after, it also had a sensitive equilibrium that, when disturbed, would open up the dungeon-looking core of the planet where lived the Zillo beasts, some big monstrous animals that almost went extinct except for one. Dugs had something against these beasts; after all, they toppled many of their cities.
Grans colonized Malastare, and humans just happened to be there like everywhere else.
Nal Hutta
Nal Hutta, the homeland of the infamous Hutt Clan, was just like Hutts; greasy, swampy, ugly, and unlikeable. You could say it wasn’t always like that, and climatic disasters like Drengir Crisis did it bad; but still, for the hate of Jabba, I don’t like it. Even from space, it looked like a giant grease ball surrounded by a ring.
The continuous rain and foggy environment made Nal Hutta a less likely tourist destination for species from the Galaxy. Most of the Hutt business was done on the planet’s moon, Nar Shadda, with only a few spaceports built on the planet itself to support life there. Gardulla Besadii the Elder, the enslaver of Anakin and his mother before Watto, resided in a place on Nal Hutta. Even Obi-Wan and Anakin visited the planet during Clone Wars; it doesn’t hold much significance other than being a crime haven away from the eyes of the Republic.
Cato Neimoidia
If you ask me which planet looked quite stunning from space, I’d say Cato Neimoidia. It looked like a green ball covered in cotton-like clouds. On the surface, the architecture was enough to blow your mind off. With rocky canyons rising above those waters, it almost looked mystical.
But just like “Beauty and the Beast,” this beautiful planet was controlled by the ugly beasts called Neimodians. However, you could tell Neimoidians were rich just by looking at those wide bridges connecting buildings and sustaining life above acidic water.
Neimoidia had many visits from some of the most powerful people, such as Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka Tano, and Master Klo Poon. And it had seen its share of battles during the Clone Wars.
It was not exactly the home to Neimoidians but a planet those filthy-rich aliens colonized to store their wealth. Not to mention, even the Neimoidians’ Trade Federation’s headquarter was located there.
Anakin and Padme’s secret wedding in the beautiful backdrop of Naboo’s waterfalls and green pasture lands was one of the dreamiest weddings I had ever seen. For that only, I am willing to put Naboo at the top of my list of the most beautiful planets across the Galaxy. It was a tourist destination, and rightfully so.
In the words of Leia Organa, Naboo represented the best of the Old Republic. It had everything, from beautiful scenery to large dome-shaped buildings, from technology to an army of its own. It had seen its ups and downs, the wars, but nevertheless, it maintained its glory.
Naboo was home to Padme and a significant planet in the preceding years of Clone Wars. It was also the birthplace of Chancellor Palpatine, a.k.a., Darth Sidious. But, despite that, he couldn’t care less about its prosperity. Take the Trade Federation’s occupation of Naboo on the incitement of Sidious as an example.
Naboo was also the home of the indigenous underwater civilization of Gungans, who were a sight of pure bliss. Com’on, how could you not love Jar Jar and his fellow gurgling Gungans!
The people of Naboo were peaceful, anti-war, loyalists to the Republic, and just the nice ones in general.
The oceanic/aquatic planet of Pillio was one of the hidden gems not many Star Wars fans know about. Pillio was rich in food sources, especially seafood, and a food provider for the surrounding planets. But for that reason, it remained a bone of contention among the Noutalans and the Mon Calamari.
Located in the Core World, with the magical green and peach coral-covered caves, with water running between them and sunlight hitting from above, it was among the few most beautiful planets across the Galaxy.
While being home to millions of species, Pillio also had Palpatine’s observatories present on it. Luke Skywalker traveled to Pillio to destroy Palpatine’s observatories and to retrieve the Jedi Compass to find the location of the First Jedi temple.
A lava-filled planet that almost looked like a large coal refinery, Sullust was home to tiny starship pilots and engineers, the Sullustans. It was also home to Inyusu Tor, a humongous lava-filled mountain. The atmosphere on Sullust was extremely toxic and inhabitable, so the people there built large-scale subterranean cities to live in and work from. You could say they didn’t use the roads for their daily commute to work.
From space, Sullust looked like a gigantic black ball with red veins moving through it. It almost looked magical; sadly, it was just an illusion. Even the turquoise lakes didn’t add much to its beauty.
Sullust was also a battleground during the Clone Wars, with the Battle of Sullust being one of them. The infamous Count Doku also blessed Sullust with his presence. From being a salient part of the Republic to losing its status under the Empire, Sullust had seen it all.
The Star Wars Galaxy wasn’t short of desert planets, and Sriluur orbited by its moons, Ruul and Quays, was one of them. The home to Weequays, the hardened treacherous pirate species, Sriluur, was located in the Outer Rim Territories. It was once part of Hutt space, the reason why Hutts considered it their birthright to have hegemony over it. Sriluur also hosted many other sentient and non-sentient species, all adapted to its harsh environment.
Sriluur was a victim of colonization by many species, Houk being one of them and the reason for the long-lasting Houk-Weequay conflict. The Hutt Cartel also held a strong position over the land and its habitants.
From space, Sriluur looked like a dust ball covered in volcanoes and acidic seas. It was honestly more of ruins than a desert to me. Rich in copper reserves and a sight for frequent sandstorms, Sriluur surely wasn’t my favorite planet of all.
Home to Anakin, the Darth Vader, and Luke Skywalker, Tatooine was one planet that had a constant screen presence throughout the series. We wouldn’t have Star Wars if it wasn’t for this one hell of a desert, right?
With the desert land stretched for as long as human vision could go and the scorching Sun (two suns, actually) always on top, Tatooine wasn’t a pleasant planet to visit. And to be precise, in the words of C-3P0, it was a desolate place.
Tatooine was inhabited by all kinds of species, or should I say, all kinds of criminals too. The Jabba Hutt Palace, Mos Eisley, the ever-so-evil Sarlacc Pitt, and the podrace course were some of the infamous marvels of this planet. Not to mention the weirdest looking Tusken raiders, the scariest Krayt dragon, the not-so-cute Jawas, and the kindest of the humans also lived there. If I wanted to get bit by a humongous lizard, struck by a sandstorm, frozen in carbonite, or better, get a sun-stroke, I would have loved visiting Tatooine. But I don’t have any such plans right now.
Tatooine had visitors from all across the Galaxy. Padme, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Boba Fett, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca; everyone had been there once in their lifetimes. That makes Tatooine the star of the show, but more of a fallen one, right?
If you ask me the planet I am least likely to visit, it has to be Toydaria. The swampy forests, the humid air, the green hues, everything was enough to make you dizzy. Sadly, the ugly Toydarians didn’t help either.
Katuunko, the king of Toydaria, didn’t take sides during the Clone Wars, making Toydaria a neutral planet. However, Toydaria rose to fame when King Katuunko invited Master Yoda for the peace settlement. Obviously, Ventress had to be there to get Katuunko on her side and challenge Yoda’s Jedi skills. You shouldn’t do that unless you want to embarrass yourself; we all know how that went.
The only cool thing about Toydaria was the musk nests Toydarian built to live in, and the algae-covered land looked good from the space only. Toydaria looked almost like Bespin, but with swamps instead of clouds and just uglier in general.
If you look from space (I believe you have a spacecraft), Trandosha looks like a giant ball emitting the green light. But go near it, and you’d face all kinds of scary creatures living in forbidden dark and thick forests. Nonetheless, it was home to unbeatable warriors.
The harsh environment of Trandosha made the Trandoshans’ skin quite thick and hard. They made for the greatest bounty hunters across the Galaxy, with the mighty yet ugly Bossk being one of them.
Trandosha, also known as Dosh, was almost like a giant unwelcoming hunting ground, or you could say, a poor setting for a horror movie featuring lizard-like creatures. The giant fuzzballs, a.k.a., the Wookiees, weren’t welcome on the lands of Trandosha either, enough reason for me to hate it.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Question: Which planet is the biggest in the Galaxy?
Answer: With a diameter of about 198,500 km, Yavin Prime was the biggest planet, or you could say, a gas giant in the Galaxy. It had 26 moons, some of which were habitable, like Yavin 4. However, the biggest habitable planet was Bespin, another gas giant.
Question: Which planet in the Galaxy resembled the Earth?
Answer: Alderaan, the oldest symbol of the Republic, was the planet that resembled our Earth the most, both in size and characteristics. The mountains, the greens, the water bodies, the infrastructure, the culture, and the people, everything resembled Earth. Even from space, it looked exactly like Earth.
Question: What happened to the planet Alderaan?
Answer: Unfortunately, Death Star destroyed the best planet Galaxy had to offer, the Alderaan. Home to Leia Organa and the symbol of everything great, Alderaan was the first one to face the wrath of a Death Star. The planet, with all its inhabitants, became a pile of wreckage within moments, which or centuries reminded everyone of the horrors of the Empire.
Final Thoughts
The Star Wars Galaxy accommodated billions of fascinating planets. Some were beautiful, some were scary, and some just plain right awful. However, they all served some purpose and added an extra element to the series. And just like characters, some of these planets were even the stars of the series.
Among those billions of planets, in this guide, I chose the ones the young Padawans like you most needed to know about. And if you ask my favorite, it has to be Naboo. It had everything, beauty, architecture, technology, history, kind people, Padme, and whatnot. Take that as a hint and plan your intergalactic trip right away!
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